Wedge Cobb Salad

I’m such a sucker for blue cheese and ranch dressing, so naturally this salad is perfect for me.

Way back when, I used to work at the Keg as a salad tender. They used to serve an iceberg wedge salad, which is very similar to the recipe I’m posting here. I have also had many Cobb salads and generally find the combination of these salads to be perfection.Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

This salad is an all season masterpiece. You can serve it with bacon, turkey bacon, or vegetarian. The one recipe I made when we were living in Montreal and I didn’t add red onion, or any meat. In the rest of the post below, you’ll see the onion and meat added on. This is the better way to go about this recipe.

Serves: 4 salads

Ingredients: 1 head of iceberg lettuce (cut into quarters), 8 eggs, 1 cup blue cheese (crumbled), 1 cup ranch dressing, 1/2 cup red onion (diced), 1 case cherry tomatoes (approx. 30, sliced in halves), optional: 4 slices regular or turkey bacon (cut into small pieces). You can also add shredded chicken and avocado slices.

Instructions: Boil water for eggs. While you are waiting for water to boil, wash head of lettuce. Using a large knife, cut the head of lettuce into quarters. Slice cherry tomatoes and crumble blue cheese. Place entire eggs into boiling water and wait 10-15 minutes until hard boiled. Once cool, peel the shell off and slice the eggs in halves. Top the lettuce chunk with tomatoes, blue cheese and eggs. Then, drizzle ranch dressing over entire dish.

*Helpful hint: instead of waiting for the eggs to cool before removing the shell, run them under freezing cold water.

Like I said, this is a multi-season dish, therefore, a nice light bodied white wine like Pinot Grigio or a light bodied red, such as Pinot Noir will pair nicely with it.

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from samantha howells (1)

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