Super Bowl Sunday

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

We are not huge Super Bowl fans, unless we happen to have a get together with a bunch of delicious munchies and good beer. This year, we decided to keep it quiet and just have a nice Sunday dinner and some beer with the game. This chicken dish is simple, super and sort of looks like a football, no?

Ingredients: two boneless-skinless chicken breasts, 10 slices of Jalapeño gouda cheese, 10 slices of pear, 1/4 cup honey, 1 head broccoli (cut in to smaller florets), 1/4 cup red onion (diced), 1/4 cup of Processed with VSCO with f2 presetfresh chopped dill, 1 cup plain yogurt

Instructions: preheat oven to 425 degrees. Cut 5x 2-inch slices in the middle of the chicken breasts (they become 1-inch slices as you get to the ends of the chicken), slice gouda and pear, place one slice of gouda and one slice of pear in each opening, then drizzle honey overtop of each chicken breast. Bake for 35 minutes exactly. While the chicken is cooking, steam or boil broccoli for 5 minutes, then drain. Dice red onion, chop dill and mix all together with yogurt. Dress the broccoli with this mixture.

We decided to enjoy this dish with Alexander Keith’s IPA because what’s a Super Bowl Sunday without a brew?


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